Shepard House
Shepard House, 240 Cateswell Road, Tyseley, Birmingham, B11 3DZ
We are going through CQC registration at the moment. Shepard House is a residential home for young adults who have learning disabilities and complex needs, including behaviours that may challenge, autism and other associated issues. The main home has accommodation for up to 4 people. We believe that anyone living at Shepard House should have the same care and opportunities as they would in their own home. Our specialist team are experts in person-centred assistance and our range of services and strategies can help individuals to manage complex behaviours effectively. All staff working at the service undertake accredited Positive Behaviour Support training. Support at Shepard Houseis precisely tailored to the needs and wishes of the individual. Our holistic approach is very person-centred. We work with individuals, and those significant in their lives, to set - and achieve - short, medium, and long term goals. These change over time, so our support plans are regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.
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