Why Choose Kratos Care Services

We work alongside our clients and their families and take a responsible role in supporting independent living, providing a stress-free environment and bringing a positive attitude to the day to day interactions with our clients. We are committed to making a positive difference for everyone who works with us, our service users, staff and strategic partners and our approach is based an open and honest communication.

What We Offer

Our Homes

Grenville House

Grenville House, 9 Grenville Drive, Erdington, Birmingham, B23 7YX

Grenville House is a residential home for young adults with learning disabilities and complex needs, including behaviours that may challenge, mental health issues and autism. Grenville House is a lovely, peaceful two bedroomed house in t...

Shepard House

Shepard House, 240 Cateswell Road, Tyseley, Birmingham, B11 3DZ

We are going through CQC registration at the moment. Shepard House is a residential home for young adults who have learning disabilities and complex needs, including behaviours that may challenge, autism and other ass...